"Translating Nazi Childhood: Voices from ‘Final Account: Third Reich Testimonies’" talk at the conference Lessons and Legacies XVII: Languages of the Holocaust, Claremont McKenna College and the University of Southern California, November 14-17, 2024.
“Spatial Imaginaries and Fascist Memory after 1945: Hungarian Intellectuals in Exile,” talk at the conference Overcoming post-1945 displacement and Cold War resettlement: Individual and collective strategies by Central and East European actors in the West, Lund University, September 10–11, 2024.
“Antifascist Memory in the Algerian War: A Paradigm of International Solidarity,” talk at the conference "Remembering Anti/Fascism. European Perspectives in Critical Memory Studies,” Södertörn University, September 5-6, 2024 (with Máté Zombory).
"Proximities: Space, Perception, and Memory in 'Final Account: Third Reich Testimonies',” talk at The British and Irish Association for Holocaust Studies Annual Conference, University of Exeter, 4–5 July, 2024.
"Transatlantic Legacies: A Case Study from 'Final Account: Third Reich Testimonies',” talk at the seminar Las demandas de memoria, verdad y justicia “completa” en el contexto de las derechas, organized by Virginia Veccholi & Valentina Salvi, CALAS/UNSAM, Buenos Aires, May 14, 2024.
"Nazism’s Transatlantic Legacies: A Case Study from 'Final Account: Third Reich Testimonies',” talk at the Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Avanzados CIEA and the Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio CEG, UNTREF, Buenos Aires, May 13, 2024.
"Reconstructing (Post-)War Subjectivities: A Case Study from “Final Account: Third Reich Testimonies,” British and Irish Association for Holocaust Studies Online Conference, February 2, 2024.
"Interpreting Perpetrator Memory: Voices from 'Final Account: Third Reich Testimonies'," Lessons & Legacies, Prague, November 6-9, 2023.
"Memories of Complicity: A Transnational Case Study from 'Final Account: Third Reich Testimonies',” talk at the 16th Biennial Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, Barcelona, July 10-14, 2023.
"Why Antifascism? New Perspectives on a Forgotten Paradigm. A Roundtable Discussion" A roundtable discussion with Anna Koch, Kasper Braskén, and Máté Zombory (co-organizer), Communities and Change. Seventh Annual Meeting of the Memory Studies Association, Newcastle, United Kingdom, July 3-7, 2023 (chair and co-organizer).
"Transatlantic Correspondences: The Jewish-Communist Conspiracy in Postwar Fascism," talk at the conference "Beyond the Paranoid Style: Fascism, Radical Right, and the Myth of Conspiracy." Fifth Convention of the International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies, Florence, September 14-16, 2022.
“Antifascist Life Writing: A Postwar Paradigm of Memory Activism,” talk at the conference "Remembering Contentious Lives." Utrecht University, September 12-14, 2022 (with Máté Zombory).
"Auschwitz-memoárok és az antifasiszta örökség: Betlen, Baum, Langbein," előadás, "Kádár-korszak, kádárizmus, korlátozott mozgástér: magyar modell?" Országos jelenkor-történeti konferencia, Miskolc, 2022. szeptember 1–3 (Zombory Mátéval közösen).
"Perpetrator Memory and the Fascist Exile in Argentina: A Case Study," talk at the Forschungskolloquium zur Geschichte Lateinamerikas, Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin, April 26, 2022.
"Remembering in an Age of Terror: Hungarian Fascists in Argentina," talk at Historical Fascism as a Global System: Alliances, Interactions, and Entanglements, online Convention of of the International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies (COMFAS), Central European University PU, Vienna, December 3-5, 2021.
"Eichmann és a fasiszta emigráció," előadás, elhangzott Az Eichmann-per hatvan év távlatából. Értelmezések és közvetítések c. műhelykonferencián, MTA HTK, Budapest, 2021. szeptember 9.
"Dreams Un/abducted. Antifascist Memory Reconsidered." A panel with Joanne Sayner (chair), Emma Kuby, Maximilian Becker, Máté Zombory (co-organizer) at Convergences. Fifth Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Warsaw (online), July 5-9, 2021 (co-organizer).
"Impetus Recovered: Fascist Memory and the Hungarian Exile in Argentina," talk at the virtual conference "Compromised Identities? Perpetration and Complicity, Past and Present," Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London, May 6-7, 2021.
Off Limits. A Roundtable Discussion on Memory Culture and its Challenges, with Gruia Bădescu, Raluca Grosescu, and Hans Lauge Hansen. April 23, 2021, Institute of Advanced Studies, CEU, Budapest, organized by Zoltán Kékesi, Máté Zombory.
"Spectral Present. Perpetrator Memory and the Hungarian Fascist Exile in postwar Munich," lecture at the Institute for Advanced Study, CEU, Budapest, January 15, 2020.
"Beyond Denial. Perpetrator Memory and Hungarian Fascists in Munich and Buenos Aires," talk at the Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference, Madrid, June 25-28, 2019.
“»Let Us Hold Her Ghastly Hand.« Scenes from the History of an Anti-Semitic Image,” The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, January 17, 2019.
“»Budapest – without Jews.« Spatial Imagination, Cultural Production, and the Budapest Ghetto,” Holocaust Research and the Spatial Turn, The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, July 10-12, 2017.
“Disgust. The City, the Underclass, and the Jewish Male in Counter-Revolutionary Writing in Hungary (1919-1945),” Die Emotionen des Antisemitismus, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, Interdisziplinäre Fachtagung, 4. und 5. Juli 2017.
“Icons in Exile. The Travels of an anti-Semitic Image-Cult,” presentation at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, March 29, 2017.
"Resurrections. Memory and Identity in Hungarian National Socialism," lecture, The Jewish Studies Program and the Department of Sociology at University of Virginia, January 26, 2017.
"Fallen into Shards. Re-creating Identities in the National Socialist Exile," lecture at the conference Identities in Conflict, Conflict in Identities, Center for Cultural Sociology - Department of Sociology, MUNI, Brno, October 14–15, 2016.
“Testifying Symbols: The History of an anti-Semitic Image Cult,” lecture, Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, Berlin, July 6, 2016.
“Icons in Exile. The Travels of an anti-Semitic Image-Cult,” lecture at the GWZO, Leipzig, June 10, 2016.
“Memory and representation,” panel moderation at the Conference on the Genocide of the Roma, Tom Lantos Institute, Budapest, March 2, 2016.
“Testifying Symbols: The Practice of an anti-Semitic Image-Cult,” lecture at the conference Visualizing the Nation. Post-Socialist Imaginations, Budapest, November 28, 2015.
“Testifying Symbols: The Making of an anti-Semitic Image Cult,” seminar at the Center for Jewish History, New York City, May 21, 2015.
Embedded Narratives, together with Eszter Lázár, Middle East Europe – Reflection of the Middle Eastern Conflict in Art, Activism, and Media, DOX – Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague, April 15, 2012.
Szimulákrumok és statiszták (Omer Fast: Spielberg listája), előadás, elhangzott a Trauma – esemény – szimptóma c. konferencián, ELTE, 2011. november 17–18.
A hang inskripciója – az „archivális hatalom” nyoma, előadás, elhangzott a Filológia – Nyilvánosság – Történetiség című konferencián, ELTE, 2010. november 25–27.